Do You Believe Love Can Change the World?
I sure do. I love this beautiful planet and all her glorious inhabitants…
And that’s where I come in!
Work With a Trained Donor Centered Fundraising Copywriter
I Help You Make Wonderful Things Happen For Your Nonprofit...
- Your donors actually open your appeal letters… even when they know you’re asking for money! And… they give generously because your appeal is emotional and solvable.
- Your donors eagerly look forward to your next newsletter… because they’ll see how they made a difference in the world. And look forward to helping you do more of the good work they support!
- Your donors know how much you love them… because you send a heart-felt ‘Thank You!’ every time they give.
- Direct Mail packages…
- Thank You campaigns…
- Email funnels…
- Print or email Donor Newsletters…
Why Work With Me?
Fundraising Copywriter Qualifications
You can reach me at, or by phone at 1+ (612) 845-3543

Moceanic Fundraisingology Lab: Course Highlights & CFRE Points Earned

Course Schedule
Irresistible Communications for Great Nonprofits: How to Turn Your Words into Money for Your Cause, by Jeff Brooks
- CFRE Points Certificate: 11.5
- What to say to donors during every step of the journey.
- Direct Mail Design Basics to maximize connections.
- Getting the OFFER right.
- How to collect & tell relevant, emotional stories.
- How to make the Donor the Hero of the story.
- Deadly myths in fundraising.
Workshop: “The Hidden Treasure of Fundraising,” by Sean Triner
- CFRE Points: 1.5
- Focus on understanding the value of a trained donor-focused fundraiser.
- Learn scalable, strategic, & sustainable fundraising techniques.
Workshop: “Fundraising & Your Board: The Right Stuff!” by Simone Joyaux
- CFRE Points: 2
- Learn the role of the board & board members for governance.
- How to educate boards on the importance of donor-focused fundraising.

Course Schedule
Your Blueprint for Donor-Focused, High-Revenue Fundraising Storytelling, by Jeff Brooks
- CFRE Points Certificate: 12
- What is a Fundraising Story?
- How to tell The Donor’s Story.
- Powerful copy writing that makes stories sing.
- Interview techniques to get the most out of your stories.
7 Steps to Creating Record Smashing Direct Mail, by Jeff Brooks
- CFRE Points Certificate: 12
- Creating a strong OFFER, or Call to Action.
- How to write a donor-focused Direct Mail letter & Reply Coupon
- What to include, or not, on the Outer Envelope.
- Lift notes, buck slips, and reply envelopes.
- How to send proper Thank You letters and follow up after the letter.
Making Money with Your Donor Newsletter, by Tom Ahern
- CFRE Points Certificate: 10
- How to write donor-centered copy for newsletters.
- What not to include in a donor newsletter.
- How to find and tell stories for newsletters.
- How to ask for a donation in a newsletter.

Course Schedule
Supporter Connection Survey Course, by Sean Triner
- CFRE Points Certificate: 13.5
- Proven method to find and get to know your most loyal donors.
- Uncover legacy donors willing to leave your nonprofit a bequest.
- Learn who might be your hidden Mid Value donors.
- Discover the essential questions to ask in every survey.
- Learn how to craft donor-centered questions to personalize your upcoming appeals.
Workshop: “Matched Giving Magic,” by Jeff Brooks
- CFRE Points: 1
- How to use a Matched Giving offer to increase revenue of a Direct Mail appeal.
Workshop: “Good, Better, Best: Transform Your Best Appeal into a High-Powered Integrated Campaign,” by Jeff Brooks
- CFRE Points: 1
- How to use your best-performing campaign to boost revenue by integrating direct mail, email & phone.

Course Schedule
Your Complete Roadmap to Raising Money With Bequests, by Christiana Stergiou
- CFRE Points Certificate: 17
- Bequests are a nonprofit’s most valuable resource.
- Bequests are not about death! They are about Life, and the legacy your donor wishes to leave for the future.
- Excite! Module: Key points fundraisers need to know about donors and bequests
- Activate! Module: Necessary tools needed to launch a long-term successful bequest program.
- Attract! Module: How to find and talk to donors who might be willing to leave a bequest.
- Nurture! Module: How to turn hand-raisers into confirmed bequest donors.
- Delight! Module: How to love your most important loyal donors for the rest of their lives.
Mid-Value Donor Super Course, by Sean Triner
- CFRE Points Certificate: 16.5
- How to find the Mid- and Major-Value donors hiding in your list.
- How to focus a direct mail, email, and phone appeal to increase revenue without spending more money.
The Recurring Revolution: Monthly Giving Course, By Erica Waasdorp
- CFRE Points: 3
- How to start a Monthly Giving program.
- When & How to ask donors to become a Monthly Giver.
- How to retain, delight & upgrade Monthly Giving Donors.
American Writers & Artists, Inc. Courses

Copywriting for Nonprofits
How to Write Inspiring Copy for the Fundraising Market
This course covers how to write a direct-response fundraising letter, along with the rest of the package. It also covers online fundraising techniques like website copy, emails, newsletters, and more.
Direct mail still remains the single biggest source of individual donor acquisition and fundraising. A solid knowledge of donor-love centered copywriting is essential to the success of any nonprofit, anywhere in the world.

Copywriting for a Cause
How to Profit as a Writer and Make a Difference in the World
Cause marketing is different from traditional fundraising. This style of fundraising creates a relationship between a commercial business and a nonprofit that benefits both parties.
The NONPROFIT gains access to the sister company’s loyal customers through a special marketing campaign or a portion of sales from a dedicated product.
The COMPANY increases their relationship with their customers by showing a commitment to making the world a better place.
As a cause copywriter, I can help you plan and write the words needed to entice customers to donate when they check out at the register, or choose a specific cause-enhanced product over another.
The Accelerated Program for Six-Figure Copywriting
AWAI's Flagship Training Course for Professional Freelance Direct Mail Copywriters
AWAI has been training freelance copywriters in the fine art of persuasive direct mail writing since 1997.
Accelerated Copywriting is an in-depth and comprehensive course teaching every aspect of writing and crafting a persuasive letter or marketing campaign. An AWAI Verified certification is only given to students who complete a series of exams, craft a conversational sales email, and submit a completed direct mail letter for review.
You’ll find several examples of nonprofit fundraising DM letters on my Samples page. Click here to read more…
More AWAI Courses
A Step-by-Step Guide to Becoming a Highly Paid Content Marketing Strategist taught by Brian Clark, founder of Copyblogger.
Content marketing is the essence of all marketing, no matter what industry you’re in. Even nonprofits need great content plans that engage, entertain, delight, and persuade your audience to know, like, and trust you.
Complete Guide to Writing Web Copy that Converts.
Nick Usborne has been writing for the internet for over 30 years. This course teaches how to dramatically improve any web page, email campaign, or e-newsletter using proven online techniques.
Nonprofits often struggle with their website content. You need to strike a balance between explaining what you do, and for whom… and writing so donors understand how they can help the world through your cause.
How to Write More Persuasive Emails That Get Opened, Get Read, and Get Click-Throughs.
Email is an integral part of every marketing plan. Because it’s so personal, email will be a growing necessity for all nonprofit marketing plans. Email allows even small nonprofits to engage their donors more often, and with less cost. When used with a strong direct mail campaign, email can boost response. Which means more money for your cause, and a stronger relationship with your donor!
Grow Your Business by Driving Targeted Traffic to Clients.
Every website benefits by knowing and using the right SEO keywords and keyphrases. You may already have a list for your nonprofit. I can help you discover more, and weave them into your website, emails, and landing pages for stronger engagement with your donors.
UX Design is how to craft the website experience so website visitors can easily navigate your site to find what they need.
Nonprofits need to balance the needs of the clients you serve with the donors who want to know more. A poor UX design means the experience is confusing, too jargon-heavy, or leaves questions unanswered. You risk turning away people who need your help, or those who would love to help.
Persuasion is a marketer’s most valuable skill. You take your deep, intimate knowledge of your prospect, or your donor for fundraisers, to help them make the best decision for them, based on their needs and interests.
A persuasive direct mail campaign will demonstrate the PROBLEM through emotional storytelling, provide PROOF the nonprofit is the best solution to the problem, and help the donor TAKE ACTION as their logical next step.
Additional Fundraising & Copywriting Training

How to Make Money as a Freelance Fundraising Copywriter
Instructor: Mary Guinane McNamara ~ Editor: Bob Bly
This course gives a basic overview of fundraising copywriting, but focuses more on the business itself.
As a professional fundraising freelancer, I make a point of learning everything I can to be successful in my business. You benefit when I do good work, and the world becomes a better place.
And I find that kind of teamwork the ultimate reward.