Apr 032020

8 FAQ Tips to Delight Your Donors

8 FAQ Tips to Delight Your Donors

Why Donors Love FAQs

Why do donors love FAQs?

Simple. Donors are just like any other customer.

If they visit your website, they have a question they hope you can answer.


As professionals, it’s easy forget that every donor or beneficiary of your nonprofit is an ‘eternal beginner.’ What seems obvious to us is brand new information to them.

Write an FAQ page for the people who have never met you as if you’re going on a ‘first date.’

These 8 FAQ Tips will make your job much easier.

8 Tips to an Awesome FAQ Page

Tip #1: SEO!

Use SEO techniques and keyword searches to bring new visitors to your website! 

Nowadays, long phrases or whole questions are used as search terms. Find out the most common questions donors look for online and use those exact words.

PAYOFF: When the search engines can find you, so can your donors and clients! Be sure to follow Tip #8: Donor-Focused!

Tip #2: Scanners, not Readers

Online visitors don’t read. Not at first, anyway. They ‘scan’ each page looking for keywords that appear to answer their question.

Then, they might slow down long enough to read.

How to make copy scannable:
  • Larger Font sizes for headers
  • Bullet points
  • Breathing Space (White space lets the eye ‘rest’ between ideas)
  • Clear Headlines and Subheads

PAYOFF: By writing for ‘scanners’ you create more chances to snag their attention and ‘wow’ them with the words you want them to read.

Tip #3: Objections

Why would someone Not donate to your cause?

Make a list of the reasons. Then, answer them! Tell the donor why they are needed, right now and forever, to solve the problem you serve.

Donors are just like regular customers. They hate to be ‘sold’, but love to give. Their logical mind is trying to stop them from making an unwise decision, with time or money.

PAYOFF: Overcoming objections is hard work. But when you gain your donors trust, they’ll become a loyal supporter. 

Tip #4: Images

Some would say images detract from a good FAQ page. Too distracting.

They have a point with some industries, and some questions.

On the other hand, a well-placed picture is worth 1000 words.

PAYOFF: The right image in the right place with the right message can boost engagement by up to 94%! Still, use wisely.

Tip #5: Well Organized

Refer back to Tip #2: Scanners, not Readers.

The same holds true for an FAQ page.

Create categories when you have more than 10 questions.

PAYOFF: A long list of disjointed questions will drive visitors away! Do a little ‘spring clean’ on your FAQs and make it easy to find what they want to know.

Tip #6: Personal & Memorable

It’s OK to add a little personality to your FAQ section. 

Donors and clients are more likely to remember the answer if they feel like it came from a person, not an organization. 

Write simple sentences. Pretend you’re having a conversation with a friend.

PAYOFF: Injecting a little personality here makes you more approachable. Remember, people prefer to do business with people, not companies.

Tip #7: Infrequent Questions

Do you have a series of questions you wish donors would ask?

Information you want them to have, but that doesn’t fit anywhere else might go here.

Link to it from the FAQ page, but be clear this is ‘extra special’ information. Donors who are really interested in your company will visit.

PAYOFF: This section is optional. Either make it good… Or leave it out.

Tip #8: Donor-Focused

Perhaps most important, web content must be written for your customer first, last and always.

For nonprofits, your customers are donors and clients.

Write your FAQ page to please and inform your donors.

Try not to use it as the “What the Organization Want You to Know” section.

PAYOFF: When you write good, relevant content for people first, everyone wins! 

You’ll find more articles about crafting an FAQ page here:

  1. http://www.susangreenecopywriter.com/articles/why-your-website-must-have-an-faq-page.html
  2. https://1stwebdesigner.com/faq-page-design/
  3. http://www.socialmediatoday.com/content/10-tips-creating-killer-faq-page
  4. https://autogrow.co/10-tips-how-to-write-an-faq-grows-sales/
  5. https://www.thesaleslion.com/great-faq-pages-seo-page-views/
  6. http://www.freelancecopywritersblog.com/2130/who-to-write-a-great-faq-page/